Esplai for kids
L’Esplai is an initiative aimed at young children from 0 to 8 years old and their families/carers. It is a requirement to BE A MEMBER of the Casal to attend. The activities are carried out on weekends and monthly, and are adapted to the participating children following the Catalan calendar of traditions and festivities. Activities are often for all the kids, but sometimes are divided into two groups:
Babies & Toddlers 0 to 3 years old
Songs, fables and lap games for babies and toddlers accompanied by their parents.
Duration: 30 to 45 minutes
* Usually sessions are followed by a picnic or restaurant lunch
Location: Tote Building, Zetland
$10 donation for family & session
Exclusive for members
Kids 3 to 7/8 years old
Fun games and group activities to learn & play in Catalan with other children.
Duration: 45 minutes to 1 hour
* Usually sessions are followed by a picnic or restaurant lunch
Location: Tote Building, Zetland
$10 donation for family & session
Activity for members
For more information about l’Esplai for kids, contact Annie at: